Hi, I’m Ciara Fulmer I am a junior at Murphysboro highschool. I want to go to college and ... Learn More

Ciara Fulmer
About Me
Hi, I’m Ciara Fulmer I am a junior at Murphysboro highschool. I want to go to college and play softball and get a degree in criminology of sports sociology. I am interested in learning about the fails and successes it takes to run a successful business. I would love to have a business of my own one day no matter if it is big or small, to start something now and to be able to grow it as I go through college and farther into the future is the end goal.
About My Business
Ccsoftballstyle is owned and created by Ciara Fulmer. She is an influencer, she partners with businesses of her softball gear so she can share not only her love for the game but some of the best gear that she plays with. She will be selling the gear at a discounted price when her followers buy through her. Our goal is to spread the love for the game while trying to help people afford the equipment so they can do what they love. Contact us on tik tok and instagram @ccsoftballstyle23. You can reach us through our email ccsoftballstyle@gmail.com.

Ciara Fulmer's DISC Profile