Kailey Sherman was born on January 20th, 2003 and is currently a Junior at Elverado High ... Learn More

Kailey Sherman
About Me
Kailey Sherman was born on January 20th, 2003 and is currently a Junior at Elverado High School. She is the President Of Elverado FFA and is a member of NSHSS (National Society of High School Scholars). She is in the top 5 of her class and is a member of the Beta Club. Kaliey also has a job at Vergennes Water Department and has maintained high honors through her entire school career. Her hobbies include hunting and fishing. These have been her favorite hobbies ever since she was old enough to be doing them. She hunts and fishes with her dad, and he is also the one who got her into these hobbies. She loves being able to be out in nature every chance she gets.

Kailey Sherman's DISC Profile
Sometimes you demand too much of yourself.
You prefer an environment with plenty of people contact.
You can be fairly resistant to change.
You can easily work independently when it comes to completing