Dylan Eaton is a 16 year old junior and is from Murphysboro Illinois. Some of his hobbies ... Learn More

Dylan Eaton
About Me
Dylan Eaton is a 16 year old junior and is from Murphysboro Illinois. Some of his hobbies include baseball and hunting. Dylan has played baseball since he was five years old. He got into baseball by seeing his older friends play when he was young. Dylan also hunts pheasant. He got into this by his family getting a hunting dog. He is also a certified lifeguard where he got this verification ceate from The Hub in Marion. Dylan has a 3.8 GPA in high school.

Dylan Eaton's DISC Profile
Your decision-making style is a rapid and straight-forward one
You tend to be generous with your time in helping others.
You are typically very cool, calm, and collected on the job.
you like an environment that provides independence from direct control.